Fourth SS Lesson - Day 4


Looking People In The Eyes, Smile, and Shaking Hands


Discuss the reason why eye contact, smiling and shaking hands properly is important.  The main reasons are listed below:

1. Eye contact implies that you mean what you say.

2. Eye contact is a sign that you are telling the truth.

3. Eye contact shows respect to the person you’re talking with.

4. Smiling lets people know that you are happy to see them.

5. Smiling sets the tone and attitude of a conversation.

6. A firm handshake (not too rough or limp) communicates sincerity when meeting or greeting someone.


Divide students into pairs and have them face each other. This exercise is for each student look directly into their partner’s eyes without being silly. Then, one at a time, ask each student in turn to smile, extend the right hand to offer a firm handshake (shake once or twice firmly, then release), while introducing themselves to their partner, stating their name, age, and the name of their school. The partner will clasp the extended right hand firmly with his/her own, then withdraw the hand while maintaining eye contact and waiting for further communication, Then do the same thing without smiling or a handshake, but instead having a straight face and looking away while speaking. Another variation of this exercise is to have a staring contest, seeing who can stare the longest without cracking up.

After practicing have the students discuss the following questions:

1. What difference did it make when someone was frowning at you and looking away, vs. smiling and shaking hands?

2. Which felt more trustworthy, being looked in the eye or having them look away?


After reciting the Rotary Four Way Test, please work on the following Social Skill Lesson and Activity.

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